Email marketing service offered by Digineety

Email Marketing

For promoting your brand, email marketing is an essential tool. In email marketing company, you get the best advantages for your promotion and analyze your customers to reach them effectively. We help you connect with customers through emails, campaigns, and brand promotion. We believe email marketing is an ideal marketing tool for businesses.

Email campaigns are proven to have better reach and engagement than traditional marketing methods. About 72 percent of email users check their inboxes more than six times a day, and 92 percent of internet users have at least one email account. Using our email marketing experts, you can reach your target audiences on any device, while staying non-invasive and compliant with CAN-SPAM.

Your targeted email marketing efforts and campaigns can be evaluated using data and analytics provided by email marketing software. Engagement metrics include open rates, clicks, click-through rates (CTRs), bounces, and conversions. An experienced email marketing specialist can decode the numbers and translate them into valuable applications to better reach your audience based on your marketing goals.


Why Choose Us

Email marketing service by Digineety



Compared to most other marketing channels, email marketing is more cost-effective. The most effective email marketing strategies encourage readers to take action by making it easy to track and measure your results, and also cheaper to spend. Emails can motivate readers to take action.

The most important part of any email marketing campaign is to get the audience’s permission before contacting them. Members, who aren’t subscribed to your marketing emails, should NEVER be contacted.

We found that the average email open rate for all industries we analyzed was 21.33%. Open rates show how well your email strategy is working. They show what percentage of your audience opens your emails.